Monday, December 6, 2010

The Book Angel

My first blog post. It's a nerve-wracking but exciting process all at once. The hundreds of questions that flood through your mind are overwhelming. Will people read my blog? Will they like it? Of course there are always haters, but with hate comes love. So, hopefully, for every 5 haters, I'll get 1 person who at least likes my blog! : )

So I am the blog's only writer. I love to read, which is the focal point of my blog. Book reviews. I love every type of book and every type of author. I love every genre, every cover, every page, and every word. I feel like the beautiful world of books has been drowned out of near existence by the endless onslaught of video games, computers, and TV. Technology is taking over the world but, hopefully, there are still some book lovers out there. So who am I, you ask? Well let me tell you.

I'm at a good age in life. Not old but not young. I'm an old lady to kids, a cougar to teens, the perfect age to friends, and a young blood to those older then myself. How funny it is that our perception of age changes as we do. The older you get, the higher the number gets that you consider old. As I said, I'm not old but I'm not young. I'm at the near perfect age of 25. Maybe in 5 years, I'll be 25 again lol. I'm not a professional blogger by any means and I will not pretend to be. I may not have the best grammatical skills or perfect English. But I love to share my opinion with everyone. What better way then in a blog? I have a cat named Bella, she is a rescue cat. And I hope to one day own a house with a spare room that I can turn into the world's largest personal library.

I am blogging for different reasons. I guess the main reasons are boredom and curiosity. Boredom because there isn't much to do. I don't enjoy watching TV and I can only clean so much. And I'm curious. Aren't we all? I've read many and many of blogs but I never thought about trying my own until recently. I'm curious about how well or horrible it will be. Do that many people read blogs? The most I saw on one persons blog was 500, which is a lot to me.

So, if you're interested in books and book reviews, I hope you'll give me a shot to build some repertoire and hang in there with me as I attempt to perfect the art of blogging. Hopefully I can build some blogging skills as I go and make a friends along the way. Thanks for reading my first blog! And if I haven't blabbed you into boredom by now, hopefully you'll become a follower and endure my book review attempts! : )



  1. Hi Book Angel :)

    Welcome to the book lovers corner of the blog universe. Here, you'll meet TONS Of book lovers like you and me. I used to think that reading was a dying past time and then I realized that I'm not alone - there are still lots & lots of people out there who appreciate books like we do!

    Feel free to visit us anytime and we'll visit you too. Oh, and don't hesitate to ask us for advice or tips. We were once baby bloggers too :) hehe.

    Happy reading & happy blogging!
    Book ♥ Soulmates

    PS: You might still have time to join in on our Scavenger Hunt. It started last week on 12/1 and all the letters will be available for up to 3 days so you should still be able to find last week's letters!

  2. I definitely thought that reading books was something only a few people enjoyed! Now that I've actually looked around from blog to blog and did some reading, I'm shocked by all the readers out there.

    Thanks for commenting and you can be expecting a couple questions from me at some point. If there is anything you ever need please don't hesitate to ask! I hope we can work together on something someday, like the scavenger hunt you are working on! : )

  3. Welcome to the book blogoverse! I blogged for a while last year...stopped...and will try again in 2011, but love reading them. There's something so awesome in knowing that other people are as gaga over BOOKS as you!

  4. Thanks Lauren! I'm new to the entire idea of blogging and, to be honest, it was a little intimidating at first. But now that I've looked around more and talked to people I feel more open about the whole thing! I love knowing that there are some crazy book lovers out there like me. You'll have to link me to your blog as soon as you start again! : ) Hope to hear from you soon!

  5. Your blog looks great.

    Our company has been representing authors for the past twenty years. We would love to add you to our database to receive press releases from them regarding books applicable to the genres you review.

    Thank you in advance,

    Ken Eason
    Bostick Communications
